Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Polkadaisies & Southern Charm Portraits' photo shoot...a southern girl who loves her high heels

Miss Lauren always amazes me with her confidence, especially as a freshman in high school. She doesn't mind to get outside of the box and she always knows what she wants. She decided on a sundress for this photo shoot and we made it from scratch. She brought a dress by that she liked and one that fit well and we used that to get started. The next factor was her shoes. She had bought a pair of shoes that day and we used the color from them. The pictures don't show her shoes, but they were really cute and were the color of blue in the sash. Lauren loves high heels. It's a thing from her early childhood and she loves them even more today. When you see Lauren out, you can almost count on her wearing a pair of heels. That also includes her adventure this past weekend. Her mother called me while they were in Lexington at the Jonas Brothers' concert and said that I should see Lauren. Evidently she was running toward them and couldn't get there fast enough so she yanked her heels off to beat the crowd. She got to touch all the Jonas Brothers :) WOO HOO! You go girl!

Lauren's main request for the dress was that it be a bubble sundress. New to me, but we figured it out. I think Lauren is gorgeous and I love her sense of style and what she added to the photo shoot. Lauren also goes to church with us and we walked in one Sunday soon after the photo shoot and her and Sadie both had on their outfits from the photo shoot. It was cute!

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