Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

I hope everyone has a fun and exciting day!

If you get in trouble, just holler. I will be traveling around with two "good" super heroes that are sure to save the day!

Monday, October 26, 2009 sent in by customers

I have to give a big shout out to miss Kamryn! I like her style and I love her pink glasses!!!!!

I didn't mean to crop out the bottom of the picture, but just for your information, she was sporting some pink converse too!

Meet Miss Brandi! October winner of the Polkadaisies' Mother Necklace

Thank you so much Brandi for sending the picture in. I truly appreciate your business. You are always a pleasure to work with!!! Mother of three I might add...WOOHOO!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Down on the farm!

I hadn't really been out in days it seems like because all of my trips out have been at night. Well today we made it out and had a great day. I was driving down the road and was amazed by how much the leaves had already changed. We had a birthday party to go to and then we went out on a friend's farm for a little bit to check out the progress being made on their new cabin. It was a beautiful day!

Gavin was watching for the cows to come down the field.
Here is a picture of the "man cabin" as my friend calls it. Her husband is in the process of building this on their farm and he thinks he has found a way to keep the wives bathroom! Hasn't seemed to keep us away yet!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Polkadaisies..."my pillow" for Destiny

Wow...What a Day!!!

Wow! What a day I had yesterday! I don't know where to begin, but I can say that a lot was accomplished around here. I have been so busy lately that I have had to come to the realization that I can't keep going like I have and keep my head above water. I had high hopes this week of getting alot finished while I was off on fall break, but the earlier part of the week did not go as I had planned. Rich helps as much as he can, but with the kids, we can't both work much at the same time. I have debated and debated on what to do and decided to ask someone to help me. I hate asking people to help because I almost feel like I have been defeated, but I think this is different. For Polkadaisies to grow, I have to get others involved in the process. So, Heather has helped me the last couple of days and we have knocked out some big orders. I worked a couple of hours by myself yesterday, but it was non stop from 2pm-1am once she got here. We did eat, but that was about it. It has taken me a long time to learn some of the tricks of sewing and creating new things and to be honest, I didn't want to give that information out freely. That is one of the reasons I got her to help. What happens in the Polkadaisies' room, stays in the Polkadaisies' room. I didn't start making designs to be like anyone and my idea didn't come from seeing someone else's products. The inspiration came from Sadie. I did not want her to step out somewhere and have the same thing on as 15 others. I wanted her outfits to be different and unique. I don't have a machine that makes my designs or some program that I enter into my machine, as many of you have asked. I very rarely use a pattern and most of my designs are custom made by each individual's measurements. I draw most of my designs and alot of my ideas come to me while I am trying to go to sleep. I started sewing quite a bit about seven or eight years ago and then once Sadie was here, I started selling things because several people were asking me to make gifts for them. That was when Polkadaisies was officially born! Since then, I have generated a steady business and enjoy every minute of it. That steady business is now pushing me to expand a little more and challenges me to go outside of the box!

Ok now I'm back. I sorda got off track there :)

While all the work was going on here, my dad and Rich rolled in with the floatation for our new houseboat. Two trailer loads! That was exciting because there is no turning back now! Also, my mom came down and cleaned my house. Oh, it doesn't stop there! Rich helped mom clear the furniture out and he shampooed our carpet. Woo hoo! Dinner was at mom's and much, much accomplished! I feel good today, and hopefully I will get the rest of the orders that I had planned on getting done this week out by Monday.

While sewing yesterday, I came up with a good idea! It's a challenge for you girls out there, but I will post about it later when I finish up the details. Mr. Asher!

Check out this little ham! How stinkin' cute is he!

Thanks for the pictures Ashley Rose!