Monday, May 30, 2011 number shirt

Spring Break 2011

We had lots of things planned for the week but because of the storms, we didn't get to do everything we wanted. We still had a wonderful week. We spent some time at the lake which is always fun.

Gavin was up dancing and singing

and Sadie was doing her thing...LOL!

Although Gavin is four, he still wants someone to hold his feet. It has the same effect on him as the passy did to Sadie. It just soothing.

We made a trip to Gatlinburg after our plans were canceled due to a tornado that hit the town we were traveling to.

Funny things kids say:

While traveling in the car during a thunderstorm Sadie looks at me and says:

"I'm scared with my eyes open and I am scared with my eyes shut. Just get me to a shelter!"

We went on a hike once we reached the Smoky Mountains.

Gavin couldn't make it all the way back. He had to be carried some. He's just at the "top of dee"!

( Gavin couldn't remember the word four so when someone asked him how old he was,

he would respond by saying he was at the top of three)

We spent one day letting the kids swim. outfit

Polkadaisies...bloomers and tee to match Very Hungry Caterpillar

Polkadaisies...birthday outfit shirt gifts

The Village People plus some

We had a variety show at school last week and 1st grade decided to be the Village people.

Can you pick me out?

I was the.....


The Village People continued

We got together first thing that morning and put together a low key routine.

Polkadaisies...personalized pillow case

Polkadaisies...initial tee and matching bloomers gifts

Polkadaisies...custom tote bag

Polkadaisies...teacher gifts

Polkadaisies...custom chenille name blankets

Polkadaisies...doll shirt

Polkadaisies...custom name beach towels

Polkadaisies...birthday shirt spirit shirt

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Southern Charm Portraits and Polkadaisies...getting ready for Saturday!

So much is going on this week and I am not sure where to even begin. I am so excited about Saturday but I know that the days leading up to Saturday are going to be very hectic. I have played a little catch up on the blog with some family events and I will play catch up with orders after I get everything ready for the photo shoot. Enjoy some pictures from the 2010 summer photo shoot.

Sweet Emma turned five!