Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A long weekend and lots of play

On any given pretty day in the summer, you will probably find us at the house boat enjoying all the fun activities at the lake. Summer time is here!!! I guess this might explain why I am posting so many personal pictures today instead of Polkadaisies' orders. TOO MUCH FUN! BUSTED! I will post some things later tonight because I have done a little work, but I needed a few days off to enjoy time with the family.

I know most could probably do without the pictures of us, so just scroll fast. I have to put some of us on there because we look at the blog too :)

Here is Mr. Gavin looking all pouty because he didn't get his way and below is him looking all sweet laying on the back of the boat, but really it is the end of his melt down from not getting his way.

This is the best. I love laying in the back of the boat,riding down the lake late of the evening
after getting my belly full from the dock food. YUM YUM!
( pictured below not above...LOL...I caught the one above about 16 years ago)

Yes my girly girl is holding a dead fish and thought it was the grandest thing

she even put it in Diego's raft



Rebekah Stanfill said...

That is too funny!

Becky said...

Yes it is! You never know what to expect with little ones :)