Happy Valentine's Day!
I think this picture says it all for these two. Meet the biggest daddy's girl in the world. I can't even begin to explain these two. It is precious most times but on occasion I puke in my mouth. :) Of course, Richard eats it up, as he should. This is Sadie's Valentine this year and for years to come!
The other Valentine is sleeping through dinner, which almost NEVER happens. I should have known something was up. The next day he woke up with a fever. They have both had a touch of something and it has slowed down my orders, but I am back on track as of today.
Check out the headband. She doesn't like wearing them on top of her head like you are suppose to. I guess she is making another one of her fashion statements. She still has that pose though.
Sadie went to the hair salon with me yesterday. She insisted on having her hair washed and dried. She told me that she wanted it "painted" too. Of course I told her you had to be a certain age to get your hair "painted".
Look how cute my friend Stephanie looked for her Valentine party at school. She's a good sport for letting me take her picture. I should have taken a picture of her new engagement ring. WOW! Her
bo done a fine job!!!!!
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