I'm sure I have over-loaded you with pictures of my kids lately, but we have had a lot going on around here lately and the blog is my easiest way of documenting everything. Otherwise, I could never keep up with everything. I use to be great about photo albums and scrap books but I just don't have time for that any more. So, I hope I don't bore you too much. I promise to get back to orders soon.
Gavin gets left out a lot when it comes to Polkadaisies, but sometimes he lucks up and gets some goodies. It's just harder to make the boys stuff. He always gets new stuff for his birthday and this year I wanted to do something a little different for him. I may have mentioned before, but my husband loves clothes just as much as I do and maybe more. He also has a hard time getting rid of things even though he keeps getting new things. Needless to say, his closet is overflowing along with the 2 closets in his bathroom. I think he even has some in Gavin's closet, in the foyer closet, and in the basement. Oh, lets not forget the garage and laudry room too. You get my point...his clothes are everywhere. We went through some of them and I got him to hand over some of his t-shirts and I made Gavin some shorts.
I really enjoyed making them. It was lots of fun and I always like doing something new.
I made Sadie a new tank top dress to coordinate although she was bummed I didn't make her some shorts out of her daddy's shirts. (such a daddy's girl)
We took Gavin to Knoxville for his birthday dinner and a little shopping. Sadie got her ears pierced while we were at the mall. I was thrilled that she had finally decided to do it.
Gavin headed straight for the legos when we reached Toys r us.
I made him another pair that I will share with you later.
Hold on to those t-shirts and we can make your little one some cute shorts!
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