Last night we had lots of people come by while we were doing the "polkadaisies' thing" and I guess you could say I saved the best for last. My last visitors came by and earned their keep. I must say that Miss Olivia got Sadie motivated and they organized all of my buttons, my ribbon, and my thread. I would have liked it to have been about noon and seen what all they could have accomplished in a day's time. Well, hmm, I might just do that. I think Olivia will have to make a trip to my house again soon! Thanks Olivia! You rock too!

I haven't felt great the past couple of days. I came in this evening and piled up on the couch. I would have loved to have taken a nap, but the kids weren't in to taking a nap. Sadie, however, did try to make me feel better. Look at this luscious tray of goodies she brought me. Ice water, scooby snacks, peach rings, and a reese's cup. Now if that doesn't make a person feel better, this will...

I didn't know you were a teacher..awesome!! And to have Sadie in your class, even better! Love her sweet little note. Precious!!
I didn't know you were a teacher either! And that's just about the sweetest thing ever. So sweet of her to write that sweet note to her mommy.
Oh my! I 3rd that. Had no idea you were a teacher. That note is the sweetest thing ever. I would cherish that. :)
Yes I'm also a teacher. 13 years and counting. Haha! I have taught reading recovery for the past several years and went back to the classroom this year for a half day while doing RR the other half. Change is always a little stressful, but I am so happy that I am getting to have my girl. Things work out for a reason and this time I am glad they worked out the way they did.
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