Monday, May 4, 2009

Marissa's circus party...we had a blast!

Miss Marissa turned 4 and celebrated with a circus party and oh what a party it was!

Melissa and her mini me

I had to keep adding pictures so you could see what a big celebration this was. They know how to throw a party. I must say they are making me look bad. However, I did contribute to a degree. She is wearing a Polkadaisies' outfit :)

I loved these cakes and thought they had some big time cake decorator do them because they have in the past, but they didn't. These came from Kroger.

table arrangements...did I mention they went all out!

Gavin liked washing his hands in here after he finished his cotton candy. Creative mind I must say!

face painting

ping pong ball toss and these were the party favors
We came home with two goldfish and a week later Nannie was flushing them down the toilet. We tried though, they just didn't make it. Might have had something to do with Sadie shaking the bags on our drive back. I might add that we took 25w. CURVES, CURVES, CURVES! I bet they were a little car sick and couldn't get over it.

Gavin wasn't the only one washing their hands in the rubber ducky game.


and the clown!
Birthday girl was terrified!

Should have washed his face in the duck pond :)

OK this was hilarious. The clown had Sadie and two other girls race drinking out of a bottle. Sadie sucked on it once and then took the lid completely off and turned it up. That a girl! They clown stopped her though. I must say she has some common sense...unlike her daddy!

Snow cones, cotton candy, balloon creations, goldfish, and popcorn...
I can't believe she made it out of there with everything.
What a party!

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